Paddles vs Oars: Navigating Your Water Adventure With the Right Equipment

The right equipment makes all the difference in enjoying a day on the river. One crucial distinction is between paddles and oars. You might wonder if there is any difference.

Surprisingly, each has a unique function that can significantly impact water experiences. Today’s blog will explore the differences between paddles and oars, helping you understand when and where these tools are most efficient and effective.

What Are Paddles and Oars?

First, it’s essential to understand what paddles and oars are and how they function.

Paddles are handheld tools used to propel a river raft, canoe, or kayak. With only one blade, paddlers typically sit facing forward toward the bow with the stern to their backs.

On the other hand, oars are long, lever-like tools fixed to boat sides with oarlocks. Rowers use oars by pulling them through the water while sitting with their backs to the bow, facing the stern. That allows for significant propulsion and control.

Pros and Cons of River Paddles

Paddles offer several advantages, particularly for river rafters, kayakers, or canoeists. They are lightweight, easy to manipulate quickly and provide a more intimate connection with the water.

In addition, paddles require more physical effort to maintain watercraft speed, control, and maneuverability. Their single-blade design can make them less efficient for long-distance travel, like crossing large bodies of water.


  • Lightweight and easy to handle
  • Ideal for narrow or shallow waters
  • Provides a close connection to the water


  • More physically demanding
  • Less efficient for long distances
  • Limited control in rough waters

Pros and Cons of Boat Oars

Oars used to row dinghies, skiffs, or dories are set into a fixed position on rowboats. There are two basic shapes for oars: flat blades and spoon blades. The hull shape determines the oar blade shape. For example, the rounded hull of a canoe would perform best using a spoon blade, while a flat blade would be for a flat bottom dory boat.

Oars are the tool of choice for making powerful strokes that propel the watercraft in a straight line, especially over long distances. Additionally, oars are more stable in rough or turbulent waters. However, they are bulkier and require more setup and space, which can be limiting in smaller boats or on quick trips.


  • Powerful and efficient
  • Better control in rough waters
  • Suitable for long-distance travel


  • Bulky, long, and heavy
  • Requires more setup
  • Less maneuverable in tight spaces

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Water Adventure

Selecting between paddles and oars depends mainly on the type of watercraft you plan to use and the nature of your adventure. A paddle is ideal for navigating narrow rivers or leisure float trips downriver.

On the other hand, if you aim to cover more substantial distances or navigate larger, open waters, oars offer the efficiency and control you need. Common considerations are:

  • Type of watercraft
  • Body of water (river, lake, lagoon, canal, channel, sea, ocean, fjord)
  • Water terrain (narrow or wide, shallow, open, rough, water flow)
  • Distance and duration of the water adventure

Rafting Paddles are for Rivers

Ultimately, choosing paddles or oars depends on your specific needs and the nature of your water adventure. Both tools have unique advantages and can offer a fantastic way to enjoy water activities.

By understanding these differences, you should better understand why your rivercraft at Lazy Days Resort gets equipped with a paddle instead of an oar. Book your next river experience and cabin stay at Lazy Days Resort!

From Rubber Rafts to Thrilling Rapids: The Deep History of River Floats and Whitewater Rafting in America

In the peaceful years following World War II, an emerging recreational activity gained popularity across the heartland of America. Initially a leisure outdoor activity on gently flowing rivers, float trips gradually evolved into an exhilarating adventure we now know as whitewater rafting.

Today’s blog delves into the deep history of river floats and whitewater rafting in America. We’ll explore its origins, the evolution of river rafts, iconic destinations, and the thrill-seekers who embraced this exciting pastime.

The Birth of River Floats

After World War II ended, outdoor enthusiasts obtained surplus rubber rafts from the army. The Elk River in Missouri is a popular hotspot for river float trips today.

Lazy Days Resort and Campground is a popular destination in today’s modern world of river float trips. It offers rivergoers a chance to relax and enjoy the serene river currents.

The Evolution of River Rafts

As river floats gained momentum, the demand for sturdier and more versatile rafts grew. That led to the development of specialized river rafts designed to navigate through various water conditions.

These rafts are typically made of durable, high-quality synthetic rubber and equipped with features, like handles and ropes for easy portage. The introduction of inflatable rafts revolutionized the experience, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

The Rise of Whitewater Rafting

As river floats became popular, some adventurous souls sought a more adrenaline-fueled experience. This desire led to the emergence of whitewater rafting, where enthusiasts tackled the thrilling river rapids.

With its challenging rapids, the Salmon River Canyon in Idaho became a mecca for whitewater rafting in 1940s America. By the 1960s, commercial whitewater rafting was a full-scale recreational outdoor activity offered to the masses.

Iconic Destinations for River Adventures

America is blessed with abundant breathtaking rivers, streams, and creeks, offering endless river floats and whitewater rafting opportunities. From the Snake River in Wyoming to Hells Canyon in Oregon, there are destinations to suit every adventurer and thrill-seeker skill level. 

Whether you seek the calm, gentle flowing currents found on the Elk River in Missouri or the wild river rides of the Colorado River, whitewater rafting is no longer a sport just for athletes. It’s an adventure waiting for you to embark on.

Whitewater Rafting Trips to River Float Trips

Whitewater rafting trips provide an adrenaline rush like no other. With experienced guides and state-of-the-art equipment, participants navigate the raging river currents, experiencing the power and beauty of nature up close. Whether a half-day excursion or a multi-day expedition, whitewater rafting offers unforgettable memories.

On the flip side are river float trips, which offer a serene, low-key float drifting along easy-flowing river currents with little paddling required. Unlike adrenaline-pumping whitewater rafting, river float trips use the same inflatable river raft used to run rapids in whitewater rafting to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, providing a truly relaxing experience.

Where to Start Your River Float Trip?

The history of river floats and whitewater rafting in America is a testament to human ingenuity and the desire for adventure. From humble beginnings with surplus army rafts, river floats evolved into the thrilling world of whitewater rafting.

Today, countless rivers and streams across America beckon paddlers and thrill-seekers to experience the rush of conquering the rapids. So, grab a paddle, embrace the river’s flow, and embark on an unforgettable adventure through the rich history of river floats and whitewater rafting in America.

To begin learning all you need to know about river rafting, book a stay and your river float at Lazy Days Resort in McDonald County, near the charming town of Noel, Missouri.

Remember, as outdoor enthusiasts, it’s our responsibility to protect these natural wonders. Always follow the ‘leave no trace‘ principle and respect the local wildlife and ecosystems.

Splish, Splash, and Floating Fun: Your Guide to River Games

Nothing beats summertime fun than the excitement of river games. Whether you’re seeking a relaxing float or a day filled with laughter, there’s something for everyone on Elk River in Southwest Missouri’s McDonald County. Let’s explore the top river games that will make your summer unforgettable.

Floating Fun

Floating down a lazy river is the epitome of relaxation. Come rent a river raft for 6 to 8 people and let the gentle current carry you away.

Feel the sun on your skin and the cool water beneath you as you peacefully drift along. For the ultimate floating experience, remember to bring some refreshing beverages and snacks.

But as a bonus, you can include these fun river games for your time on the river:

  • Duck Wars
  • Adventure Bocce Ball
  • Kubb, a Viking Game

Duck Wars

If you want to spice up your river adventure, duck wars are a must-try. After you’ve set off on your river float, you can engage in friendly water battles with friends in other boats.

Use water blasters to claim victory. Duck wars add an element of excitement and laughter to your river rafting escapades.

Adventure Bocce Ball

Adventure bocce ball is the answer for those seeking a more strategic and competitive river game. The twist on this classic game brings it to the water’s edge.

Test your aim and precision as you toss bocce balls onto designated targets floating in the river. It’s a challenging yet enjoyable game that will entertain you for hours.

Kubb, a Viking Game

The game of Kubb is an ancient Viking outdoor tradition originating in Scandinavia. It’s a game you and your friends can play year-round. The object of the game is to knock over wooden blocks, known as kubbs, by throwing batons at them.

The opposing team then has to throw the knocked-over kubbs onto the opponent’s side of the field, and the game continues until one team successfully knocks over the king block in the center. In this ancient and thrilling game, it requires skill and precision to emerge victorious.

River Games Add to Your Experience at Lazy Days Resort

River games offer a fantastic way to make the most of your summer adventures. Whether you prefer a relaxing float, friendly activities, thrilling battles, or strategic games, there’s a river game for everyone. So grab your river games, river gear, and college friends to dive into the excitement this season at Lazy Days Resort in Noel, Missouri.

River Rafting Terminology: A Guide to Understanding the Terms

Most outdoor sports come with rules and etiquette designed to respect the environment and protect us from accidents. River float trips are no different. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss common river rafting terminology you might encounter on Elk River or Big Sugar Creek.

River Terminology

Aced It: When a rafting group, kayaker, or canoeer performs an exceptional paddle maneuver to control the rivercraft, like around a river bend without running a ground or pushing past the crux of a river, like a chute, which is a narrow flow of water between two obstacles, like boulders, trees, or between two other rafts to avoid a collision.

Alluvial: A long-term deposit of sediment on the banks of a river that creates alluvial fans or sandbars, which are good spots for lunch and to rid yourself of your proverbial “sea legs.”

Cubic Feet per Second (CFS): A term that tells rivergoers the volume of water moving in a river. When you know a river’s CFS, you’ll know whether it is small, average, or giant. Small rivers push between 500-3000 CFS, such as the Elk River in Missouri, which moves 560 CFS on a good day. While big rivers like the Mississippi push 590,000 CFS or more.

Gradient: In river rafting, the gradient of a river is a crucial factor that determines the speed and intensity of the rapids. It’s measured in feet per mile (FPM), indicating how fast or slow a river runs. For example, ‘The Numbers’ of the Arkansas River, which is upstream from Buena Vista, CO, is a Class III-IV with incredibly fast-moving water that drops 70 FPM, offering adventure seekers the opportunity to run rapids. Another example is the moderate-flowing river of the Middle Fork of the Salmon in Idaho, which has a grade of 20-40 FPM. Then there are slow tributaries, like the Elk River in McDonald County, located in southwest Missouri, with more pools than drop conditions that has a grade of 7.8 FPM.

Lead Boat: The first boat in a small fleet of rivercraft.

Outfitters: This term might sound confusing, but it’s actually quite simple. It refers to a service business that provides all the necessary equipment and gear for a river float trip. These businesses are run by passionate individuals who love river float trips, like the team at Lazy Days Resort and Campground. So, if you’re planning a river rafting trip, remember to book with an outfitter like them!

Pools: These are areas along a river, between rapids, that tend to be deep, quiet stretches of the river. It’s like a little river oasis of calm in the midst of all the excitement. The currents are gentle enough to offer rivergoers an ‘out-of-boat experience,’ where they can float in the river enjoying its tranquility, much like what you’ll find on the Elk River in southwest Missouri.

Pool and Drop Conditions: Characteristics of a river with a calm section, called pools with intermittent stretches of rapids, known as drops.

Portage: When navigating challenging rapids, chutes, or impassable river features, such as waterfalls, all gear must be carried by hand below the drop.

River Channel: This is the deepest part of a river, primarily free of obstacles.

River Eddy: A section of a river where the current turns around and goes upstream due to its shape and contour.

Run: “A nice run” refers to a river section perfect for kayaking, rafting, or canoes.

Rapid(s): Rivers that have ripples, drops, and eddies are all caused by the amount of river obstacles that are either artificial or naturally occurring features, such as rocks, trees, geological uplift, and shallow water.

Standing Wave: To help you understand this term better, imagine a sizeable static wave forming when fast-moving water collides with slow-moving water.

Throw Bag: An essential part of river gear is a bag containing rope, or a  floating line, which is used as a tow line, tie-off, or in urgent situations where a person needs rescuing.

Undercut: Mostly found on rivers with soft sedimentary rock, like limestone and sandstone, where a river’s current has cut away at the rock, creating an overhang or ledge. It’s best NOT to float underneath these areas.

Navigating an Elk River Float Between Noel and Pineville, Missouri

An Elk River float is a serene and hidden gem that beckons rivergoers and paddlers seeking an escape from the daily grind. Its slow waters and breathtaking beauty provide the perfect setting for a peaceful retreat.

Our comprehensive float guide will lead you to the best launch points, notable stops, and convenient river exits. So, let’s embark on this journey down the easy-flowing of the river.

Launch Points in McDonald County

When planning your float trip on the Elk River, choosing the right launch point is crucial. Specific launch points allow you to experience the river’s bends and features from a different perspective. 

So, prepare for a fun-filled day in the cool, easy-flowing currents of the river in the heart of the Ozark Mountains. Here are three fantastic river launch options to consider along the river:

Mt. Shira Launch

Located near Noel, Missouri, the Mt. Shira launch offers easy access to the river. It provides a comfortable start to your journey with ample parking and a smooth entry into the water. The launch point is ideal for beginners or those looking for a half-day river float, ensuring a simple and enjoyable experience. 

Pineville Conservation Area

Pineville, Missouri, offers a public access point to the river for those seeking a full day of river floating. The launch point, nestled in the heart of McDonald County seat, is surrounded by rolling hillsides. It boasts good handicap accessibility and clean public restrooms for a comfortable and convenient experience.

Launching From Lazy Days Resort

If you’re seeking a hassle-free, all-inclusive river float experience, then book a minimum two-night stay at Lazy Days Resort & Campground. As one of the few resorts offering the most extended river float trip down the Elk, they provide all the necessary river gear and a free shuttle trip back to the resort, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Conveniently situated with less than one minute’s drive from I-49, Lazy Days offers a 7.5-mile river float downstream to Noel, MO. The resort supplies all river gear to launch on-site, including the following:

  • Flotation devices for all passengers
  • River rafts, kayaks, or canoes
  • Paddles
  • Free shuttle trip back to the resort

Notable Stops on an Elk River Float

As you navigate your way on an Elk River float, you’ll come across several noteworthy spots worth exploring. Here are a couple of must-visit stops along the way:

Elk River Banks

Prepare for the stunning beauty of Mt. Shira, a halfway point from Lazy Days. This spot offers a picturesque backdrop for a quick lunch or a peaceful riverside break, inspiring your sense of adventure and creating lasting memories.

River Sandbars

Another option for a relaxing picnic or a refreshing dip in the calm, cool waters is the numerous river sandbars, which make for the perfect stopping point. Situated along numerous stretches of the river, these idyllic spots are perfect for recharging. 

Public River Exits

As your float trip on the river winds down, knowing where to exit the water safely and conveniently is essential. If you book your floats with Lazy Days, the shuttle will pick you and your friends up in Noel, Missouri.

7.5 Miles Downriver

Your river exits is a convenient location 7.5 miles downriver from Lazy Days at Noel City Park. Here, a Lazy Days shuttle bus and driver will greet you and your river-mates, ensuring a safe and comfortable return to the resort. Whether you’re staying in an RV site, tent campsite, or riverside cabin, Lazy Days Resort is the perfect resort location along the river for a restful night’s sleep.

Summertime Resort Favorite—Lazy Days

An Elk River float is a true summertime favorite for Missouri river-goers, paddlers, and those looking to cool off this summer. Its numerous launch points, notable stops, and convenient river exits offer an unforgettable floating experience. So book your stay at Lazy Days to experience one of McDonald County’s premier river float resorts.

Plan A Combined Bachelor-Bachelorette Party on an Unforgettable River Party Float

When celebrating a combined bachelor-bachelorette party, why settle for a typical night out when you can have an unforgettable weekend on a river? Enter the ultimate bachelor-bachelorette river party float!

This exciting adventure combines the thrill of a river float with the fun and camaraderie of celebrating your union with your closest friends. Get ready to plan for an epic encounter that will create memories of a lifetime.

Planning the Perfect Pre-Wedding Weekend

It takes careful planning to kick off your ultimate bachelor-bachelorette river party float. Start by selecting popular river float locations, like the Elk River in Southwest Missouri, with scenic vistas around every river bend and a lively outdoor atmosphere to relax and unwind after months of wedding planning.

Consider factors like accessibility, available amenities, and the duration of the float. It is also essential to choose a date that works for everyone and ensure all participants are comfortable with water activities.

Gather Your Wedding Party Crew

The success of your river party float largely depends on the people you share it with. Reach out to your groomsmen, bridesmaids, and close friends to join in on the adventure. It’s a perfect opportunity to bond, relax, and create lasting memories. Encourage everyone to bring their spirited energy and willingness to have fun!

Essential Packing Tips

Packing smart is crucial for a calm and delightful river float. Make sure to pack the essentials:

  • Waterproof Sunblock and Sunscreen
  • Hats and Sunglasses with Straps
  • Bathing Suits and River Shoes
  • Disposable Waterproof Camera

Load up on plenty of snacks and water to stay hydrated throughout your float trip. A waterproof bag or container will keep valuables and electronics safe and dry.

Water Games and River Activities

No river party float is complete without some exciting games and activities. Plan on bringing a few outdoor games like water guns, volleyball, and a floating cornhole game. To liven up the party, bring along some waterproof speakers. You can also organize themed costume contests or create a wedding playlist of your favorite tunes to keep the party vibe going strong.

Enjoying the Natural Beauty

As you float along the river, take the time to appreciate the stunning natural beauty surrounding you. Enjoy the tranquil sounds of flowing water, spot wildlife along the banks, and marvel at the picturesque landscapes. Encourage your group to embrace the moment and soak in the serenity of nature while celebrating this special occasion.

Book Now for Your Wedding Party Adventure

The ultimate bachelor-bachelorette river party float offers an unforgettable and unique getaway to celebrate with your friends before tying the knot. From careful planning to creating a fun-filled itinerary, this adventure promises laughter, bonding, and incredible memories. So gather your crew, pack your essentials, and prepare for a weekend of pure joy and excitement on the water at Lazy Days Resort—where friends meet for river fun!

Float the Rivers of McDonald County Near Pineville, Missouri

McDonald County’s seat is Pineville, Missouri, a town with all the Midwest charm you can find. But that’s not all this county has to offer; its biggest draw is river floats.

If you’re an adventure seeker, a nature lover, or simply looking for a fun and refreshing experience, then float the rivers of this picturesque region. With its pristine waters, stunning landscapes, and rippling rapids, McDonald County offers an unforgettable journey for college students, river rats, and paddlers alike.

The Allure of River Float Trips

Floating the rivers of McDonald County is a popular activity that attracts both locals and visitors from far and wide. Whether you’re seeking a tranquil escape or a fun-filled adventure, these rivers have something for everyone. The calm and crystal-clear waters provide an inviting environment to relax, unwind, and connect with nature.

The Rivers of McDonald County

McDonald County is home to several magnificent rivers that are perfect for floating. The Elk River and Big Sugar Creek are among the most sought-after destinations. Each river boasts a unique charm and characteristics, offering a variety of experiences for different preferences and skill levels.

The Elk River

As part of McDonald County’s scenic tributary system, the Elk River is a local favorite among college students, families, and river enthusiasts. It’s a gentle-flowing river with a low flow rate of 357 cubic feet per second (CFS) at a depth of only three and a half feet.

The Big Sugar Creek

Its name does it no justice, this McDonald County river favorite is the Big Sugar Creek. With a depth of just over five feet in the spring, this river is truly a slow mover with a discharge rate of 57 CFS. But what makes this river so captivating is its crystal clear waters and award-winning fishing.

Scenic Landscapes and Wildlife

As you float along the rivers of McDonald County, prepare to experience breathtaking landscapes of lush forests, towering bluffs, and vibrant flora. These landscapes create a picturesque backdrop that is awe-inspiring. Keep an eye out for diverse wildlife that is native to this region, including whitetail deer, river otters, turtles, and a wide array of bird species, including our national bird, the bald eagle.

Planning Your Float Trip

Before embarking on your river adventure, it’s essential to plan ahead. Research local river ranch outfitters who offer rental equipment and shuttle services to ensure a smooth and convenient experience. Pack sunscreen, water, and snacks to keep yourself fueled and hydrated throughout the trip. Check weather conditions and river levels before setting out, as safety should always be a top priority.

Book Your River Float

Floating the rivers of McDonald County near Pineville, Missouri, is an exhilarating and unforgettable experience that will leave you with cherished memories. Whether you are seeking a peaceful retreat or an exciting adventure, these two rivers offer the perfect combination of natural beauty and adventure. So grab your friends and book your Elk River floats or Big Sugar float trips by staying at Lazy Days Resort in Noel, MO.

Exploring a Tranquil River Ranch in Noel, Missouri

The ultimate destination for cooling off this summer is on a river float on the Elk River near Noel, Missouri. In today’s blog, we’ll explore one local river ranch that offers a delightful escape from everyday life.

Whether you’re a camper, cabingoer, or river paddler looking for a weekend adventure, staying at a river ranch has something for everyone. Join us as we delve into the enchanting world of one charming river ranch and discover why it should be at the top of your travel list!

A Great River Float Location

Step outside your cabin, tent, or RV at Lazy Days and you’ll discover a world of adventure awaits. McDonald County’s premier outdoor recreational activities include kayaking, canoeing, and river rafting down either the gentle currents of the Elk River or exploring the class-I rapids of the Big Sugar.

Lazy Days Resort – Where Tranquil Waters Meet

At Lazy Days Resort, you’ll immerse yourself in a tranquil oasis that seamlessly blends nature’s beauty with modern amenities. Offering a myriad of comfortable rental accommodations, from cozy cabins to spacious campsites—Lazy Days makes certain every out-of-town guest leaves rejuvenated and recharged. Wake up to breathtaking views of the Elk River and indulge in the serenity of this beautiful river resort location.

Lazy Days Campground and Cabins – A Home Away From Home

For those seeking an authentic camping experience, Lazy Days campground and cabins are the perfect choice. The campground offers spacious, well-maintained sites with full hookups, firepits, and picnic tables nestled amidst towering trees. Gather around the crackling campfire under the starlit sky, sharing stories and laughter with fellow campers. As night falls, drift off to sleep to the soothing chorus of chirping crickets and the gentle rustling of leaves.

A Fun and Relaxing River Ranch Escape at Lazy Days Resort

Lazy Days Resort is the ideal river resort destination for a weekend getaway or a week-long vacation stay. You, your friends, and your family can unwind by the riverbank, basking in the warm sun while flipping through a favorite book, enjoy a friendly game of cornhole or horseshoes, or take a leisurely river float. As the day winds down, gather around an outdoor firepit and savor a delicious feast with friends and family.

At Lazy Days Resort, you’ll discover adventure abounds, relaxation comes in abundance, and this hidden gem along the Elk River in Noel, Missouri, promises an unforgettable experience. From the peaceful river ambiance to various outdoor activities, Lazy Days Resort & Campground caters to campers, cabingoers, and river paddlers of all ages. So pack your bags, leave your worries behind, and embark on a journey to Lazy Days Resort, where a river resort of adventure awaits!

A Perfect Destination for River Rentals

Elk River in Southwest Missouri is a hidden gem that attracts river-goers, paddlers, campers, and nature enthusiasts. With its picturesque views, tranquil waters, and various rental options, Elk River offers an unforgettable experience for those seeking adventure and relaxation.

In today’s blog post, we’ll delve into these different river rental options:

River Rentals for Every Adventurer

Known for its exceptional river rentals, Lazy Days Resort caters to all levels of experience and preferences. Seated along the Elk River, you and your fellow river-goers can plan a day float on one of their river rental options.

Lazy Days, located between Pineville and Noel, Missouri, offers guest services on river raft rentals, and canoe or kayak rentals. Their rentals ensure guests can embark on an unforgettable river float trip.

The Allure of Elk River

Lazy Days’ charm extends beyond its rental options and camping facilities. The Elk River is a mesmerizing sight, winding through the picturesque landscapes of Southwest Missouri.

The crystal-clear waters, surrounded by rolling countryside, create a truly magical ambiance. Whether you’re paddling along the river, fishing, or simply soaking in the tranquility, Elk River offers an escape from the flurry of everyday life.

Camping Riverside

Lazy Days also offers excellent camping opportunities along the Elk River for those wishing to extend their stay and immerse themselves in nature. Tent camping is a popular choice, allowing you to connect with the surrounding beauty.

Additionally, full-hookup RV campsites are available to rent for those who prefer a more comfortable glamping experience. Lastly, you can rent one of the riverside cabins and wake up to the gentle sound of the river.

Cozy Riverside Cabins

If you’re seeking a cozy retreat, Lazy Days Resort and Campground has charming riverside cabins available for rent. These cabins provide the perfect mix of comfort and rustic beauty.

Imagine unwinding on your private porch, sipping a cup of coffee, and enjoying the breathtaking river views. The cabins are well-equipped and offer a peaceful and serene atmosphere, making them ideal for couples, friends, or families looking for a unique getaway.

Where to Stay and Float?

Lazy Days Resort on the Elk River in Southwest Missouri is a haven for river-goers, paddlers, campers, and nature enthusiasts. Its diverse river rentals, camping opportunities, and charming riverside cabins provide the ideal destination for outdoor fun, relaxation, and a deeper connection with nature.

Whether you choose to embark on a river raft float, kayak, canoe, or bask in the sun, you can pitch a tent riverside, set up your RV in one of their full hookup campsites, or indulge in the cozy comforts of a riverside cabin; Lazy Days will leave you with memorable experiences and a desire to return week after week.

Embracing the Forgotten Times: Unforgettable Cabin Stays in Southwest Missouri

In an era of bustling cities and constant connectivity, there’s something magical about escaping to the tranquility of a cabin in the woods. With its picturesque landscapes and hidden gems, Southwest Missouri offers an enchanting getaway for college students and friends seeking a retreat from the daily grind. Come along on a journey exploring the delights of cabin stays along the Elk River in McDonald County, near Pineville and Noel, Missouri.

Elk River: Nature’s Paradise

Nestled along the banks of the Elk River, this hidden gem provides a quiet retreat for nature enthusiasts. The cabins here offer breathtaking views of lush forests and crystal-clear waters. Spend your days hiking through scenic trails, unwinding on your cabin’s private deck, or taking a river float down the Elk or the Big Sugar.

McDonald County: A Haven of Adventure

McDonald County is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts looking to cool off from the summer heat. From exploring caves to river rafting, this region offers a range of activities to get you completely relaxed and let go of all the worries troubling you. After a day outdoors, retreat to your cozy cabin and relax by the fireplace, reminiscing about the exciting moments shared with your college friends.

Pineville Missouri: Quaint Charm and Rich History

Immersed in history and brimming with small-town charm, Pineville, Missouri, is the perfect destination for those seeking a unique blend of outdoor adventure and relaxation. Explore the town’s historic landmarks, visit local boutiques, or explore either the Elk or Big Sugar River that converge just east of this charming little town. As the sun sets, retire to your cabin rental and immerse yourself in the tranquility of a delightful resort and campground.

Noel Missouri: Riverside Bliss

Nestled on the banks of the Elk River—Noel, Missouri—offers a unique blend of outdoor adventure, and relaxation for nostalgic getaway. Spend your days floating down river, or fishing the Elk, or indulge in traditional southern cuisine and whiskey from a local distillery. As night falls—back at the cabin—gather around a campfire with your college friends, exchanging stories and laughter beneath a starry night sky.

Where to Rent a Cabin Escape?

Escape the chaos of modern life and embrace the forgotten times with a cabin stay in southwest Missouri. Whether you seek nature’s paradise, thrilling adventures, small-town charm, or riverside bliss, this region has it all.

Rediscover the joy of simple pleasures, create lasting memories, and forge deeper connections with your college friends. Book your cabin stay and river float trip today at Lazy Days Resort and embark on an unforgettable journey through time.

At Lazy Days Resort & Campground you can take advantage of a wide selection of cabin rentals and camping sites—tent and RV camping. They also have equipment rentals for those seeking time out on the river is one of three watercraft options: canoes, kayaks, and river rafts.